Monday, May 20, 2024

Monday, May 20, 2024

 2023-2024 Special Schedule

Monday:  PE and Library

Tuesday:  Art

       Wednesday:  Music 

      Thursday:  Spanish 

                                               Friday:  Technology and Art


Spelling:  Practice 319-320

                               Test will be Thursday 

          Grammar:  Practice 313-314

                Grammar Quiz Thursday          

      Math     Study for Chapter 8 Test

                Practice Multiplication Facts

                  - Be sure to continue practicing multiplication facts nightly!                      This will help as we work on division and fractions.                                It is expected that by the end of third                                                    grade students are fluent in their                                                          multiplication facts.  We practice in class but it is so                               important to practice each night so that your child has a                         solid foundation.

      Reading:  Read for 20 minutes                           

We are working on building responsibility with our third graders.  All homework is due the following day.  Any missing assignments will be noted in your child's planner.  If the missing assignment is not turned in, it will be marked as missing in Facts and then it is your child's responsibility to turn the work in for credit. Please check Facts to see your child's progress.

Spelling words will go home at the start of each week and there will be a Spelling Test each Friday.  Grammar and Spelling pages will be completed throughout the week.  Time is given in class to work on Spelling and Grammar but if it is not completed in class it does need to be completed for homework that evening.  Use this blog along with your child's planner to see what work needs to be completed.  If Spelling or Grammar is completed in school, your child should have this marked as completed in their planner.  It is helpful to remind them to use their planner as a checklist to be sure all work is completed.  All Planners should be initialed each evening by a parent.  

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Tuesday, September 17, 2024

   Homework: Please initial your child's planner each night Spelling:     Practice pg 20                  Math          Practice additio...