Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Wednesday May 25, 2022

 2021-2022 Special Schedule

Monday:  PE

                      Tuesday:  Music and Library

       Wednesday:  Art

           Thursday:  Spanish

           Friday:  Technology


Math:      WB 94

Reading:  Read for 20 minutes   

English:   Finish Ivan Research Project           

Spelling: pg 356         

Spelling Words Week of May 23

careful     cheerful     helpful     colorful     harmful

pitiful     painless     priceless     helpless     sleepless

rainless    helplessly    peacefully     carefully     wisely

later     declare     partner     wonderful     cloudless

We are working on building responsibility with our third graders.  All homework is due the following day.  Any missing assignments will be noted in your child's planner.  If the missing assignment is not turned in, it will be marked as missing in Facts and then it is your child's responsibility to turn the work in for credit. 

Spelling words will go home at the start of each week and there will be a Spelling Test each Friday.  Grammar and Spelling pages will be completed throughout the week.  Time is given in class to work on Spelling and Grammar but if it is not completed in class it does need to be completed for homework that evening.  Use this blog along with your child's planner to see what work needs to be completed.  If Spelling or Grammar is completed in school, your child should have this marked as completed in their planner.  It is helpful to remind them to use their planner as a checklist to be sure all work is completed

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Tuesday May 24, 2022

 2021-2022 Special Schedule

Monday:  PE

                      Tuesday:  Music and Library

       Wednesday:  Art

           Thursday:  Spanish

           Friday:  Technology




Reading:  Read for 20 minutes   



Spelling Words Week of May 23

careful     cheerful     helpful     colorful     harmful

pitiful     painless     priceless     helpless     sleepless

rainless    helplessly    peacefully     carefully     wisely

later     declare     partner     wonderful     cloudless

We are working on building responsibility with our third graders.  All homework is due the following day.  Any missing assignments will be noted in your child's planner.  If the missing assignment is not turned in, it will be marked as missing in Facts and then it is your child's responsibility to turn the work in for credit. 

Spelling words will go home at the start of each week and there will be a Spelling Test each Friday.  Grammar and Spelling pages will be completed throughout the week.  Time is given in class to work on Spelling and Grammar but if it is not completed in class it does need to be completed for homework that evening.  Use this blog along with your child's planner to see what work needs to be completed.  If Spelling or Grammar is completed in school, your child should have this marked as completed in their planner.  It is helpful to remind them to use their planner as a checklist to be sure all work is completed

Monday, May 23, 2022

Monday May 23, 2022

 2021-2022 Special Schedule

Monday:  PE

                      Tuesday:  Music and Library

       Wednesday:  Art

           Thursday:  Spanish

           Friday:  Technology


Math:      Study for Chapter 7 Test

Reading:  Read for 20 minutes   

English:   Finish Ivan Research Project Facts 1-4           

Spelling: pg 354          

Spelling Words Week of May 23

careful     cheerful     helpful     colorful     harmful

pitiful     painless     priceless     helpless     sleepless

rainless    helplessly    peacefully     carefully     wisely

later     declare     partner     wonderful     cloudless

We are working on building responsibility with our third graders.  All homework is due the following day.  Any missing assignments will be noted in your child's planner.  If the missing assignment is not turned in, it will be marked as missing in Facts and then it is your child's responsibility to turn the work in for credit. 

Spelling words will go home at the start of each week and there will be a Spelling Test each Friday.  Grammar and Spelling pages will be completed throughout the week.  Time is given in class to work on Spelling and Grammar but if it is not completed in class it does need to be completed for homework that evening.  Use this blog along with your child's planner to see what work needs to be completed.  If Spelling or Grammar is completed in school, your child should have this marked as completed in their planner.  It is helpful to remind them to use their planner as a checklist to be sure all work is completed

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Thursday May 19, 2022

 2021-2022 Special Schedule

Monday:  PE

                      Tuesday:  Music and Library

       Wednesday:  Art

           Thursday:  Spanish

           Friday:  Technology


Math:      Study for Chapter 7 Test

Reading:  Read for 20 minutes   

English:   Grammar pg   338           

Spelling: pg 345

              Study for Spelling Test

Spelling Words Week of May 16

severe     prepared     declare     later     writer

cellar     trailer     author     person     circus 

garlic     partner     restore     sister     actor

explained     brief     enjoys     circular  editor

We are working on building responsibility with our third graders.  All homework is due the following day.  Any missing assignments will be noted in your child's planner.  If the missing assignment is not turned in, it will be marked as missing in Facts and then it is your child's responsibility to turn the work in for credit. 

Spelling words will go home at the start of each week and there will be a Spelling Test each Friday.  Grammar and Spelling pages will be completed throughout the week.  Time is given in class to work on Spelling and Grammar but if it is not completed in class it does need to be completed for homework that evening.  Use this blog along with your child's planner to see what work needs to be completed.  If Spelling or Grammar is completed in school, your child should have this marked as completed in their planner.  It is helpful to remind them to use their planner as a checklist to be sure all work is completed

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Wednesday May 18, 2022

 2021-2022 Special Schedule

Monday:  PE

                      Tuesday:  Music and Library

       Wednesday:  Art

           Thursday:  Spanish

           Friday:  Technology


No Homework Tuesday - Thank you Principal of the Day!

Math:      Practice multiplication facts

Reading:  Read for 20 minutes   


Spelling: pg 343-344

Spelling Words Week of May 16

severe     prepared     declare     later     writer

cellar     trailer     author     person     circus 

garlic     partner     restore     sister     actor

explained     brief     enjoys     circular  editor

We are working on building responsibility with our third graders.  All homework is due the following day.  Any missing assignments will be noted in your child's planner.  If the missing assignment is not turned in, it will be marked as missing in Facts and then it is your child's responsibility to turn the work in for credit. 

Spelling words will go home at the start of each week and there will be a Spelling Test each Friday.  Grammar and Spelling pages will be completed throughout the week.  Time is given in class to work on Spelling and Grammar but if it is not completed in class it does need to be completed for homework that evening.  Use this blog along with your child's planner to see what work needs to be completed.  If Spelling or Grammar is completed in school, your child should have this marked as completed in their planner.  It is helpful to remind them to use their planner as a checklist to be sure all work is completed

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Tuesday May 17, 2022

 2021-2022 Special Schedule

Monday:  PE

                      Tuesday:  Music and Library

       Wednesday:  Art

           Thursday:  Spanish

           Friday:  Technology


No Homework Tuesday - Thank you Principal of the Day!





Spelling Words Week of May 16

severe     prepared     declare     later     writer

cellar     trailer     author     person     circus 

garlic     partner     restore     sister     actor

explained     brief     enjoys     circular  editor

We are working on building responsibility with our third graders.  All homework is due the following day.  Any missing assignments will be noted in your child's planner.  If the missing assignment is not turned in, it will be marked as missing in Facts and then it is your child's responsibility to turn the work in for credit. 

Spelling words will go home at the start of each week and there will be a Spelling Test each Friday.  Grammar and Spelling pages will be completed throughout the week.  Time is given in class to work on Spelling and Grammar but if it is not completed in class it does need to be completed for homework that evening.  Use this blog along with your child's planner to see what work needs to be completed.  If Spelling or Grammar is completed in school, your child should have this marked as completed in their planner.  It is helpful to remind them to use their planner as a checklist to be sure all work is completed

Monday, May 16, 2022

Monday May 16, 2022

 2021-2022 Special Schedule

Monday:  PE

                      Tuesday:  Music and Library

       Wednesday:  Art

           Thursday:  Spanish

           Friday:  Technology


Math:  WB 89

Reading:  Read for 20 minutes   

English:   pg    337                 

Spelling: pg 342

Spelling Words Week of May 16

severe     prepared     declare     later     writer

cellar     trailer     author     person     circus 

garlic     partner     restore     sister     actor

explained     brief     enjoys     circular  editor

We are working on building responsibility with our third graders.  All homework is due the following day.  Any missing assignments will be noted in your child's planner.  If the missing assignment is not turned in, it will be marked as missing in Facts and then it is your child's responsibility to turn the work in for credit. 

Spelling words will go home at the start of each week and there will be a Spelling Test each Friday.  Grammar and Spelling pages will be completed throughout the week.  Time is given in class to work on Spelling and Grammar but if it is not completed in class it does need to be completed for homework that evening.  Use this blog along with your child's planner to see what work needs to be completed.  If Spelling or Grammar is completed in school, your child should have this marked as completed in their planner.  It is helpful to remind them to use their planner as a checklist to be sure all work is completed

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Wednesday May 11, 2022

 2021-2022 Special Schedule

Monday:  PE

                      Tuesday:  Music and Library

       Wednesday:  Art

           Thursday:  Spanish

           Friday:  Technology


Math:  WB 88

Reading:  Read for 20 minutes   

               Book Reports due on May 12   

English:   pg 328                        

Spelling: pg 332

Spelling Words Week of May 9

explained     remain    reading     detail     presoak

monkey     brief     preteen     about     allowing    

complain     enjoys     poison     repeats     unreal

able     castle     towel     repaid     approached

We are working on building responsibility with our third graders.  All homework is due the following day.  Any missing assignments will be noted in your child's planner.  If the missing assignment is not turned in, it will be marked as missing in Facts and then it is your child's responsibility to turn the work in for credit. 

Spelling words will go home at the start of each week and there will be a Spelling Test each Friday.  Grammar and Spelling pages will be completed throughout the week.  Time is given in class to work on Spelling and Grammar but if it is not completed in class it does need to be completed for homework that evening.  Use this blog along with your child's planner to see what work needs to be completed.  If Spelling or Grammar is completed in school, your child should have this marked as completed in their planner.  It is helpful to remind them to use their planner as a checklist to be sure all work is completed

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Tuesday May 10, 2022

 2021-2022 Special Schedule

Monday:  PE

                      Tuesday:  Music and Library

       Wednesday:  Art

           Thursday:  Spanish

           Friday:  Technology


Math:  WB 87

Reading:  Read for 20 minutes   

               Book Reports due on May 12   

English:   pg 327                        

Spelling: pg 331

Spelling Words Week of May 9

explained     remain    reading     detail     presoak

monkey     brief     preteen     about     allowing    

complain     enjoys     poison     repeats     unreal

able     castle     towel     repaid     approached

We are working on building responsibility with our third graders.  All homework is due the following day.  Any missing assignments will be noted in your child's planner.  If the missing assignment is not turned in, it will be marked as missing in Facts and then it is your child's responsibility to turn the work in for credit. 

Spelling words will go home at the start of each week and there will be a Spelling Test each Friday.  Grammar and Spelling pages will be completed throughout the week.  Time is given in class to work on Spelling and Grammar but if it is not completed in class it does need to be completed for homework that evening.  Use this blog along with your child's planner to see what work needs to be completed.  If Spelling or Grammar is completed in school, your child should have this marked as completed in their planner.  It is helpful to remind them to use their planner as a checklist to be sure all work is completed

Thursday, May 5, 2022

Thursday May 5, 2022

  2021-2022 Special Schedule

Monday:  PE

                      Tuesday:  Music and Library

       Wednesday:  Art

           Thursday:  Spanish

           Friday:  Technology


Permission Slips for our Field trip are due by May 6.

Math:  WB 84

Reading:  Read for 20 minutes   

               Book Reports due on May 12   

English:   pg 316                        

Spelling: pg 322

Spelling Words Week of April 25

able     purple     riddle     handle     eagle

puzzle     castle     little     pickle     towel

nickel     camel     travel     tunnel     squirrel

preschool     rebuild     unlucky     motel     couple

We are working on building responsibility with our third graders.  All homework is due the following day.  Any missing assignments will be noted in your child's planner.  If the missing assignment is not turned in, it will be marked as missing in Facts and then it is your child's responsibility to turn the work in for credit. 

Spelling words will go home at the start of each week and there will be a Spelling Test each Friday.  Grammar and Spelling pages will be completed throughout the week.  Time is given in class to work on Spelling and Grammar but if it is not completed in class it does need to be completed for homework that evening.  Use this blog along with your child's planner to see what work needs to be completed.  If Spelling or Grammar is completed in school, your child should have this marked as completed in their planner.  It is helpful to remind them to use their planner as a checklist to be sure all work is completed

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Wednesday May 4, 2022

 2021-2022 Special Schedule

Monday:  PE

                      Tuesday:  Music and Library

       Wednesday:  Art

           Thursday:  Spanish

           Friday:  Technology


Permission Slips for our Field trip are due by May 6.

Math:  WB 83

Reading:  Read for 20 minutes   

               Book Reports due on May 12   

English:   pg 315                        

Spelling: pg 321

Spelling Words Week of April 25

able     purple     riddle     handle     eagle

puzzle     castle     little     pickle     towel

nickel     camel     travel     tunnel     squirrel

preschool     rebuild     unlucky     motel     couple

We are working on building responsibility with our third graders.  All homework is due the following day.  Any missing assignments will be noted in your child's planner.  If the missing assignment is not turned in, it will be marked as missing in Facts and then it is your child's responsibility to turn the work in for credit. 

Spelling words will go home at the start of each week and there will be a Spelling Test each Friday.  Grammar and Spelling pages will be completed throughout the week.  Time is given in class to work on Spelling and Grammar but if it is not completed in class it does need to be completed for homework that evening.  Use this blog along with your child's planner to see what work needs to be completed.  If Spelling or Grammar is completed in school, your child should have this marked as completed in their planner.  It is helpful to remind them to use their planner as a checklist to be sure all work is completed

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Tuesday May 3, 2022

 2021-2022 Special Schedule

Monday:  PE

                      Tuesday:  Music and Library

       Wednesday:  Art

           Thursday:  Spanish

           Friday:  Technology


Permission Slips for our Field trip are due by May 6.

Math:  WB 82

Reading:  Read for 20 minutes   

               Book Reports due on May 12   

English:   pg 314                        

Spelling: pg 320

Spelling Words Week of April 25

able     purple     riddle     handle     eagle

puzzle     castle     little     pickle     towel

nickel     camel     travel     tunnel     squirrel

preschool     rebuild     unlucky     motel     couple

We are working on building responsibility with our third graders.  All homework is due the following day.  Any missing assignments will be noted in your child's planner.  If the missing assignment is not turned in, it will be marked as missing in Facts and then it is your child's responsibility to turn the work in for credit. 

Spelling words will go home at the start of each week and there will be a Spelling Test each Friday.  Grammar and Spelling pages will be completed throughout the week.  Time is given in class to work on Spelling and Grammar but if it is not completed in class it does need to be completed for homework that evening.  Use this blog along with your child's planner to see what work needs to be completed.  If Spelling or Grammar is completed in school, your child should have this marked as completed in their planner.  It is helpful to remind them to use their planner as a checklist to be sure all work is completed. 

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

   Homework: Please initial your child's planner each night Spelling:     Practice pg 20                  Math          Practice additio...